Monday, December 10, 2007

Holiday with the kids or holiday with the lads??

In the past, even thinking about going on holiday as a single parent family has had me tearing my hair out. It was only a short while ago I was going on holidays with the lads, partying hard, meeting loads of girls, it was great. But I don't want to not take my kids with me, I mean they're great! Sure, they can't handle their drink that well and they slightly hamper my pulling chances most of the time, but they're my kids and I love them!

So thank the Lord for Single Parent Fun and single parent travel. Not only have they negotiated special deals on single parent travel, but the holidays are supervised so I get help with the kids. And, there's so many hot single mums! Sorry lads, I'm skipping this years Ibiza trip for a big one with the kids!!